[🎀] : MiKA KAGEHiRA . .

hello :D mika is mika !! mika is a wooden doll, and goes by only doll / dollself . if an individual cannot use doll / dollself , mika will gladly accept he / him pronouns . when referring to bin , please refer him as he / him , bun / bunself , doll / dollself , any other pronouns will not be used on bin , please.


here is a carrd that will explain it all . but in this carrd mika would like to explain how to interact with mika and how it's slightly different than most coping links .


when bin uses mika to communicate , it is always when he's in a sevre state of distress , meaning any extreme negative feeling bin experiences , he finds most comfort in mika .


mika talks in third person , doll experiences , everything bin does . when mika is used , bin never talks , mika is always narrating bins thoughts and speech . if you want to speak to bin , mika will narrate his replies . | when mika refers to you , doll will sometimes use third person for the individual too . if you're not comfortable with it , please DM bin .


most of the time , bin will go back to himself and talk normally in first person . if he is comfortable with an individual , he will continue to use mika as his communicator .


mika inherits bin's personality , ( if you can even call that one ) but doll also has doll's own personality . if you're ever confused on who's talking , it's always mika !


do's : talk to mika , just have fun with mika really , respect mikas neo pronouns , feel free to ask anything about mika , refer to mika as a doll , treat mika just like bin .
dont's : baby mika , be rude just because mika is not very normal , take advantage , make fun of doll or reality check mika .


because bins mental state will be severely negative , mika will sometimes accidentally narrate negative bins thoughts , mika does not mean to cause concern and will delete when doll realises what doll has said .

TiME / HEALiNG . .

the more mika talks , the better bin will get , the less interaction , the less effective mika will be , so mika may be desperate to talk .


as you may know mika and bin finds comfort in talking in 3rd person , however you may notice there are times mika will say any first person nouns , mika will be aware of the mistake , just please do not point it out . if not , it will usually mean bin is ready to put aside mika and feels better .


this carrd is created / orginally by bin . @kuyorie , please credit if you take inspo ! carrd layout is made for ios / pc . .

MiKA'S FAQ . . ??

" do i have to talk to you in third person ? " not at all! although it is preferred . " how do you speak in 3rd person to mika ? " example : look at yourself , you're gay . > look at mika , dolls gay . if you need more explanation / examples please feel free to DM mika !